photograph of redheaded Caucasian woman against aqua background

A graphic designer and illustrator based in the Pacific Northwest, Kristen has 17 years of industry experience as a chalk artist with a focus on food retail.

She has spent her career as the in-house chalk artist for Roth’s Fresh Markets, a local chain of upscale grocery stores with a brand identity geared towards beautiful stores that evoke a quaint, ‘farmer’s market’ aesthetic, brought to life by her hand-drawn illustrations - a delightful sight that keeps the customers coming back!

Her expertise lies in creating engaging and bright displays to showcase products and increase sales, incorporating skills ranging from copywriting, font choice, and both digital and traditional illustration techniques, amongst many others.

a chalk-style illustration featuring bagels and muffins

Using tools from pastels to paint pens to colored pencils - or simply a graphic tablet and pen - she can draw the eye with clever use of color, composition, and typography.

However, her skills extend far beyond just the chalkboard!

As comfortable with a paintbrush, pencil, or micron pen in her hand as she is with a graphic tablet, Kristen can use anything from paper to glass as her canvas and is equally versed in digital and traditional mediums.

Additionally, she has a passion for character design, particularly driven by her love of fashion and background in costuming, propmaking and garment construction - a firm foundation for any concept artist.

Explore her portfolio further through the navigation bar above.

Window art for weekly ad items,
acrylic on glass

Character concept with various outfit/palette explorations

A career highlight - making the local papers!

News Register, January 14th 2012